

Huancavelica region in Perú

The region of Huancavelica is located in the southern highlands of the Peruvian territory, covering an area of ​​22,131 km2, which represents 1.7 percent of the national territory. It is bordered to the north by Junín, to the east by Ayacucho, to the south by Ica and Ayacucho, and to the west by Ica and Lima.

Politically, it is divided into 7 provinces and 102 districts, with the city of Huancavelica as its capital. Its territories are located between 1,139 m.a.s.l. (Chapa ravine, on the San Juan River, Capillas district, Castrovirreyna province) and 5,298 m.a.s.l. (Huamanrazu snow-capped mountain, Huancavelica district).

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