

Cajamarca Region in Perú

The Cajamarca department, located in the northern part of the country, covers an area of ​​33,318 km², which represents 2.6 percent of the national territory. It is bordered to the north by
the Republic of Ecuador, to the east by the department of Amazonas, to the south by La Libertad and to the west by Lambayeque and Piura. Politically it is divided into 13
provinces and 127 districts, with the city of Cajamarca as its capital.
The territory comprises two natural regions, mountains and jungle, with the former being predominant. The altitude of the Cajamarca region ranges between 400 m.a.s.l. (Choros District
– Cutervo Province) and 3,550 m.a.s.l. (Chaván District – Chota Province). The Cajamarcan relief is very rugged because its territory is crossed from south
to north by the western mountain range of the Andes.

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